Meinl Cymbals - Official Product Videos

The official channel for all Meinl Cymbals product videos, produced by Meinl.

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Meinl Drum Gear

Drummers are always looking to expand and enhance their sound. One easy way to do that is by using the drummer accessories Meinl offers. Whether you are looking for a simple way to change your tone or want to build layers of complex sound into your kit, Meinl has many options to explore below.

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Generation X

A selection of small and unconventional cymbals, the Gen-X cymbal line is primarily used for accents and effects. These cymbals can find a home mixed with any of our other cymbal lines for a diverse setup or creation of a stack.

Made in Germany from assorted alloys, lathe formed profile, additional hammering, with various lathing and finishes.

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